Category Archives: News

HomeCare Hospital Beds|Hospital Furniture Suppliers

  Most options on the market are called “Fully-Electric Hospital Beds.” One basic feature of all fully-electric hospital beds is adjustability, including the backrest, knee elevation, and overall bed height. Different models have adjustment options, features and accessory options, and price points. “Semi-Electric” hospital beds will have one or more features that require a hand crank…

White hospital nurse work station|hospital medical furniture

The nurses’ station is the fulcrum of activity on the inpatient hospital floor. At some point, virtually every hospital function intersects at this critical junction, often simultaneously, via impromptu meetings among a wide cross-section of hospital staff. The nursing station is the heart of any medical facility, from a bustling hospital to a modest private…

Hospital Transfusion Chair manufacturers|hospital medical furniture

iGolden carries a fullline of medical IV infusion therapy chairs with comfort for the patient, and efficiency for the care giver. Easy removable and renewable foot extend is included to the chair. During the bed position, the chairs gets the trendelenburg position. Chair is covered with cleanable, waterproof material and the chair is comfortable and…